
The ColiMinderâ„¢ Measurement Approach

Standard Lab Evaluation Vs Enzymatic Evaluation

Standard Lab Evaluation

The classic laboratory testing method uses the proliferation of bacteria to make them visible in order to count them. The number of colonies formed per sample volume is used as a measure of the degree of contamination.

Due to the time required for cultivation, culture-based approaches are not suitable for rapid microbiology.

Enzymatic Evaluation

An enzymatic approach directly measures the specific enzymatic activity present in the sample. The measured enzymatic activity per sample volume is used as a measure of the contamination. The enzymatic measurement approach is the only rapid measurement approach that allows:

  • Technology independent determination if contamination limits
  • Calibration of devices independent of their measurement technology

Both conditions are a prerequisite for a future standardization. The enzymatic approach is not limited to water: is it possible to measure other liquids, surface contamination and air/gas.

Microbiological contamination, most important water quality parameter, still evaluated manually by a 1-3 day lab procedure which is not suitable for automation, online monitoring and process control. ColiMinder technology is based on direct measurement of specific metabolic (enzymatic) activity of target organisms present in the sample.

The technology is extremely robust, directly linked to living organisms and suitable for all applications. Enzymatic activity is scientifically defined exactly


Evolving Quality Control Through Science

The ColiMinder offers fully automatic and real-time measurements of microbial water quality, enabling a shift from a 2-dimensional process control, based on physical and chemical process feedback, to a 3D control , now involving the microbiological dimension. This works in all water related applications. The incorporation of the microbiological dimension of water quality into process control offers the potential of a drastic increase in efficiency, safety and sustainability of water treatment processes across all industries.

For both economic and security reasons, the possibility of fully automatic process feedback and control for microbial dimension of water quality is a prerequisite for the gradual switch to a circular economy.


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